PHS3000 Measurement of betaray spectra

This documents the monashspa.PHS3000.betaray library that you will import into code used in the PHS3000 unit when performing experiment 4.4 Measurement of betaray spectra.

monashspa.PHS3000.betaray.modified_fermi_function_data = array([[0.   , 6.591],        [0.1  , 6.582],        [0.2  , 6.552],        [0.3  , 6.506],        [0.4  , 6.448],        [0.5  , 6.387],        [0.6  , 6.329],        [0.7  , 6.275],        [0.8  , 6.224],        [0.9  , 6.177],        [1.   , 6.132],        [1.2  , 6.046],        [1.4  , 5.964],        [1.6  , 5.886],        [1.8  , 5.812],        [2.   , 5.742],        [2.2  , 5.675],        [2.4  , 5.612],        [2.6  , 5.553],        [2.8  , 5.496],        [3.   , 5.443]])

The modified Fermi function, \(G\), for \(Z=55\). Here, the first column corresponds to momentum, \(p\), in relativistic units of \(m_0 c^2\) and the second column cooresponds to the value of the modified Fermi function \(G\).


Reads the csv file produced by the betaray online experiment


filepath – The path to the .csv file


A 2D numpy array containing the data from the file, with columns Acquisition time, Run mode, Vacuum pressure, Shutter Position, Duration (s), Count, Lens coil current (A), u(Lens coil current) (A), Bias coil current (A), u(Bias coil current) (A), Magnetometer x position, Magnetometer y position, Magnetometer x-axis field strength (µT), u(Magnetometer x-axis field strength) (µT), Magnetometer y-axis field strength (µT), u(Magnetometer y-axis field strength) (µT), Magnetometer z-axis field strength (µT), and u(Magnetometer z-axis field strength) (µT) respectively.